Creating an online course is a big task to take on, but it doesn't have to be daunting. If you're passionate enough about your subject matter, you'll find that creating the content comes naturally. But if you want to create an online course the easy way, follow these three essential strategies:
Understand the problem or challenge and provide a solution.

The first step is to understand the problem or challenge.
This strategy is particularly important for online courses because most people do not have the time to take an online course that does not address their needs or provide a solution.
Once you have determined what your audience's needs are and how you can address those needs, it's time to create your course.
Test your theory before you create your online course content.

A test is a simple way to see (verify) which ideas work and which don't. You can do an A/B test to compare two different versions of one element on your course, such as a video or text presentation. You also shouldn't be afraid to try something completely new and then analyze the results later. If you're not sure what's working and what isn't, it's better to start with small experiments that won't cost you a lot of time or money—and this process will help guide the direction for your online course content creation!
Preselling your online course.

Preselling your course is a great way to get started. It’s also a great way to get feedback on the topic you’re going to be teaching and how people are going to use it. People that buy your course before it launches will help build your confidence because they believe in you and what you have to offer and they want more of it!
Preselling helps motivate you when creating content for your online course because there are real people behind each payment who really want what you have for sale, so making sure the product is perfect before launch day becomes much easier once these pre-sales start rolling in.
If you want to create an online course the easy way, follow these three essential strategies!
Understand the problem or desire. Provide a solution.
Test your theory before creating your course content and use these results as you're marketing your online course.
Presell your course to give yourself the confidence and push to finish it even before you start creating the content
I hope this post has given you some ideas on how to create your online course the easy way!