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How To Position Yourself for Online Course Creation Success

Writer: Sheri ColemanSheri Coleman

Updated: Nov 3, 2022


How To Position Yourself for Online Course Creation Success


If you want to be successful in online course creation and life, it's important that you understand what success is and how you can get there. There are many different definitions of success out there, but they all have one thing in common: they're all about positioning yourself for success. You might think that a person with a million dollars doesn't need to worry about positioning themselves for success, but that's not true at all. Everyone needs to make sure they're positioned for their goals and dreams so that when opportunities come along, they can take advantage of them without second-guessing themselves or losing focus on where it all began. Below are some tips on how to position yourself for success in both business and life!

Have a clear vision of your goals.

Have a clear vision of your goals

This is the most important step in positioning yourself for success. Before you start working on your business, make sure you have a clear vision of what it is that you want to achieve. Be ambitious and set goals that will excite and motivate you but also be realistic; it takes time to grow a successful business from scratch, so don’t expect instant results. Write down your goals somewhere visible where they can serve as constant reminders of where you want to go with this venture.

Gain skills and experience.

Gain skills and experience

A good way to start is by gaining skills and experience. Skills are something you can learn, either through formal education or by doing things on your own. Experience is a little trickier; it takes time and effort to acquire. If you’re in school, take advantage of the opportunities available to further your skills and experience: join clubs, participate in activities related to your field of study, or get involved with an extracurricular activity that helps build up those areas.

When you’re not in school, try taking classes at a community college or continuing education program at a local university (many offer night classes). You might also consider doing an internship for a company that does what you want to do for a living when you graduate from college or university—it will give you valuable skills and experience while helping them out as well!

Play to win.

Play to win

You’ll be much more likely to succeed if you understand the problem before trying to solve it. This can be difficult because our minds are wired for fear and negativity, so we tend to focus on what could go wrong rather than on how we can create success. When someone asks me how I am doing, I find myself thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong in my life and then worrying about them instead of focusing on all the things that went right over the past week or month!

Instead of dwelling on all your problems or concerns, try focusing on solutions instead. How can you fix this problem? How would you like it fixed? What steps do you need to take in order to accomplish this goal? These questions will help keep your mind off any negative thoughts and help keep the focus where it needs to be: moving forward toward success!

Be willing to pivot.

Be willing to pivot

Now, we know you've probably already have some pretty good ideas about what your business is going to look like in the future. But being willing to pivot means that you're open to change and willing to make changes based on feedback from customers, employees, or investors.

For example, You might have a product or service idea and plan it out well—but then someone tells you they would prefer something else. Are you willing to listen? Or do you just keep pushing forward with the original idea because it's what YOU think is best? If so, it'll be hard for any success to come your way!

The same goes if someone says, "I'm not sure that course will work." Are they wrong? Maybe not, maybe there's something wrong with their mindset. But maybe there's something missing from how you’re approaching the course idea or your target market or pricing model...and that's where pivoting comes into play.

Always look for opportunities to learn from the big players in your industry.

Always look for opportunities to learn from the big players in your industry

Never stop looking for opportunities to learn from the big players in your industry. Look for opportunities to learn from people who have more experience than you do, or a different perspective on things. You never know what someone else might teach you that could be helpful down the road. Be willing to invest in yourself, especially if you want others to invest in you.

Learn from others’ mistakes (as well as your own).

Learn from others’ mistakes (as well as your own)

Learning from others’ mistakes is a great way to avoid making the same ones yourself. But it's not just what you learn from other people that matter—you should also be learning from your own mistakes, too.

When you make a mistake, don't think of it as failure; think of it as an opportunity to improve, and then do so! If you don't take the time to improve upon your mistakes, then you'll never grow as a person or a course creator.

The trick here is not to get stuck in one mindset. A lot of people see "failure" only in black-and-white terms: either they succeed at something completely or they fail completely. But that isn't how life works—it's all about shades of grey (and sometimes even all-out chaos). There are always ways we can keep improving our businesses and ourselves no matter how successful we get!

Be courteous, helpful, and friendly when meeting other people.

Be courteous, helpful, and friendly when meeting other people

  • Be a good listener.

  • Ask questions.

  • Respect their time, and use your own appropriately.

  • Be genuine in how you express yourself; don’t try to be someone else or what you think others may want from you (this includes not putting on an act that may have been successful for someone else). This is a waste of energy and will hinder your ability to connect with people on a deeper level because they will sense the lack of sincerity that comes through in your words and actions.

  • Be kind—do something nice for someone each day, even if it's just paying attention when they speak at lunch or making sure they get home safely after work one night while walking them out (just being aware of where they're going). It doesn't have to be anything big—a small gesture goes a long way!

  • Be polite when interacting with others, whether face-to-face or over email/phone call/text message; this includes social media too! For example: "please" and "thank you" go further than simply expecting something from others without offering any gratitude beforehand; it shows consideration toward other people's feelings as well as respect towards yourself because ultimately those are the qualities that create good relationships outside our personal lives too (in addition to being respectful towards ourselves). Also, avoid using texting abbreviations like LOL - instead, say "Laugh Out Loud", etc., when communicating via text message since these shortcuts can often come across rudely depending on context/conversation flow."

Continually invest in yourself.

Continually invest in yourself

The best way to keep your course creation and life on track is by constantly investing in yourself. This means continually learning new skills, improving existing ones, and building relationships with the people around you. It’s never too late to learn something new!

The easiest way to get started on this journey is by finding courses or books that teach the skills that you want to learn or improve upon. There are countless resources out there for self-improvement but not all of them are created equal so finding the right one will be key if you want to see results fast without wasting time or money.

Create value for others.

Create value for others

If you want to be successful, you need to create value for others. You don't have to be a genius or a visionary; in fact, the best way to create value is by being reliable and helpful—and that's something you can totally do.

When you show up and do good work on a daily basis, people will notice—and they'll want more of it. This isn't just true in business: it's true anywhere where people interact with one another on a regular basis. By making an effort to create value for other people (even if it means putting yourself out there), you'll find that those around you begin coming back more time after time again due to their appreciation of your efforts!


Be willing to pivot. Take risks, but be willing to learn from your mistakes and adjust your strategy if things don't go as planned. If you take the time to learn from the big players in your industry, you'll find ways to improve yourself as a person and as an entrepreneur. The key is taking action—and being successful means continually investing in yourself. The world is full of opportunities for those who are willing to work hard, so get out there and make something happen!


So, how do you position yourself for success? It all starts with a clear vision of what you want and how you're going to get there. Once you know where you're headed, it's time to start putting that plan into action by gaining the skills and experience necessary for your goals. You'll also need to play by the rules of business—and life—to win at anything!

Finally, keep learning from others' mistakes (as well as yours), so that we can all be more successful at whatever we choose to do.

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